Der Verein Japanisch-Deutscher Musikfreunde
Der Verein Japanisch-Deutscher Musikfreunde wurde im Jahr 1991 von Musikern, die in deutschsprachigen Ländern studiert haben gegründet. Das Gründungsziel des Vereins ist die freundschaftliche Beziehung zwischen den Musikern aus deutschen und japanischen Kulturräumen zu stärken und die persönliche Verständigung durch die Musik zu vertiefen. Der Schwerpunkt unserer Aktivitäten liegt auf Opern und Ballet Vorstellungen, Symphonie und Kammermusikkonzerten, den durch Dozenten aus Deutschland sowie aus Österreich geführten Kursen, Konzerttournee etc.
Nach unseren Aktivitäten finden meisten junge Mitglieder ihren Weg, in Deutschland/Österreich zu studieren. Viele von uns bleiben auch nach dem Veranstaltungen weiterhin mit ausländische Musikern in Kontakt.
Japanese German Philharmonic Society
Conducting Masterclass 2018
with Kurt Redel Competition 2018
Course A (April 28th, 29th and 30th)
Open for beginners and advanced amateur conductors.
Course B (May 3rd to May 6th 2018)
Open for conducting students, young professional conductors and advanced amateur conductors.
Prupose of the Master Class:
The Conducting Master Class 2018 of Japanese German Philharmonic Society will be held in Saitama Arts Theatre, Northern Tokyo from April 28th to May 6th 2018. Lessons will be held with Piano (4 Hands or 2 Pianos), Ensemble and Orchestra (Historical and modern Orchestra)
The Master Class offers young conductors the opportunity to work with experienced faculty and with professional chamber orchestra. The Master Class is open for each conductor of orchestra, brass band and chorus (no age limit).
It's also open for whom want to begin to study conducting. There are many essential instructions for orchestra conducting by experienced faculty.
The purpose of the Master Class is to promote individual musical excellence and to develop and support conducting skills and talent. The participants will have the opportunities to rehearse the most important repertory not only currently asked for in major conducting competitions and entrance examinations of major music universities in the world, but also audition for symphony orchestra and opera houses.
April 26th - May 6th 2018 (Application deadline: March 31st 2018)
Naoki Sugiyama (Japan) Language Japanese, English, German
The Symphonic Academy Orchestra of Japanese German Philharmonic Society
Course A (April 28th, 29th and 30th) is open for beginners and advanced amateur conductors.
Program: Mozart "The Magic Flute Overture", "Don Giovanni Overture", "Mariage of Figaro Overture".
Course B (May 3rd to May 6th 2018) is open for conducting students, young professional conductors and experienced amateur conductors.
Program: Mozart "The magic flute" excerpt, including overture and difficult recitatives with small orchestra.
Sibelius Symphony No.3, Shostakovich Symphony No.9 (with piano 4 hands).
Schoenberg Chamber Symphony No. 1, Stravinsky "Dumbarton Oaks" with chamber orchestra.
Course A 400 USD for Adult (25+) 250USD for Youth (18-25) 200USD for Junior (below 18)
Course B 1000 USD for Adult (25+) 400USD for Youth (18-25) 250USD for Junior (below 18)
The fees will be discounted if applicant register before 31st December 2017 and complete payment.
Deadline for application for foreign participants: April 19 (the payment of fees should be completed until 21. April 2018)
The Bank Account and the amount will be announced after application.
Applicants are requested to send, full name, nationality, age, short description of education about music (school, instruments, experience of conducting, teacher etc.). Use following form.
Recommendation for masterclass
Matija Fortuna, Mag. Art
Assistant conducting teacher at Zagreb Music Academy
Guest conductor in Croatian national theatre in Rijeka